Sci-Fi Moment Sparked Career Ambition for Bell

For many children coming of age in the 1970s and 1980s, a viewing of the “Star Wars” trilogy led to afternoons of battling make-believe Stormtroopers with homemade light sabers in a backyard re-imagined as the Death Star. For Charleson Bell, though, the films prompted...

Restore Medical Clears FDA Hurdle

Memphis-based Restore Medical Solutions has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, clearing the way for the company to begin producing and selling its RMS Modular Sterilization Tray System. As a result, Restore has moved into around...

External devices have shorter path to gain FDA approval

The medical device industry generally has an easier path to success than developers in the pharmaceutical world. Especially if an invention is external, moving through the clearance process for FDA approval is light years faster than the life cycle of a new drug from...